The coder for the paper “FeLT: Fully Tactile-driven Robot Plate Cleaning Skill Learning from Human Demonstration

with Tactile Sensor” by Junjia LIU, et al.

import numpy as np
import os
import rofunc as rf
import pandas as pd

# --- Data processing ---
def data_process(data_dir):
    all_files = rf.oslab.list_absl_path(data_dir, recursive=False, prefix='trial')

    demos_x = []
    demos_taxels_pressure = []

    for file in all_files:
        hand_rigid = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(file, 'mocap_hand_rigid.csv'))
        object_rigid = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(file, 'mocap_object_rigid.csv'))
        hand_marker_positions = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(file, 'mocap_hand.csv'))
        object_marker_positions = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(file, 'mocap_object.csv'))
        sensor_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(file, 'sensor_comb.csv'))['taxels_pressure'].to_numpy()

        def get_center_position(df):
            data = df.to_numpy().reshape((len(df.to_numpy()), -1, 3))
            return np.mean(data, axis=1)

        def get_orientation(df):
            data = df.to_numpy().reshape((len(df.to_numpy()), 3, 3))
            data = np.array(
                [rf.robolab.quaternion_from_homo_matrix(rf.robolab.homo_matrix_from_rot_matrix(i)) for i in data])
            return data

        hand_position = get_center_position(hand_marker_positions)  # p_WH
        object_position = get_center_position(object_marker_positions)  # p_WO
        hand_ori = get_orientation(hand_rigid)  # q_H
        object_ori = get_orientation(object_rigid)  # q_O

        # hand_pose = np.concatenate((hand_position, hand_ori), axis=1)  # p_WH
        # object_pose = np.concatenate((object_position, object_ori), axis=1)  # p_WO

        T_WO = np.array(
            [rf.robolab.homo_matrix_from_quaternion(object_ori[i], object_position[i]) for i in range(len(object_ori))])

        T_WO_inv = np.array([np.linalg.inv(i) for i in T_WO])

        p_OH = np.array(
            [T_WO_inv[i].dot(np.hstack((hand_position[i], np.ones(1)))) for i in range(len(T_WO_inv))])[:, :3]

        demos_x.append(np.hstack((p_OH, hand_ori, sensor_data.reshape((-1, 1)) / 1000)))
        demos_taxels_pressure.append(sensor_data.reshape((-1, 1)) / 1000)

    return demos_x, demos_taxels_pressure

demos_x, demos_taxels_pressure = data_process('../data/felt/wipe_spiral')

# --- TP-GMM ---
demos_x = [demo_x[:500, :7] for demo_x in demos_x]
demos_x = demos_x[0]
filter_indices = [i for i in range(0, len(demos_x) - 10, 10)]
filter_indices.append(len(demos_x) - 1)
via_points_raw = demos_x[filter_indices]

cfg = rf.config.utils.get_config("./planning", "lqt_cp")

controller = rf.planning_control.lqt.lqt_cp.LQTCP(via_points_raw, cfg)
u_hat, x_hat, mu, idx_slices = controller.solve()
rf.lqt.plot_3d_uni([x_hat], mu, idx_slices)

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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