

If you want to use the provided examples and dataset, you need to choose the Nightly version. The PyPI package only contains source codes.

git clone
cd Rofunc

# Create a conda environment
# Python 3.8 is strongly recommended
conda create -n rofunc python=3.8

# For Linux user
sh ./scripts/
# [Option] Install with baseline RL frameworks (SKRL, RLlib, Stable Baselines3)
sh ./scripts/
# [Option] For MacOS user (brew is required, Isaac Gym based simulator is not supported on MacOS)
sh ./scripts/


If you want to use functions related to ZED camera, you need to install ZED SDK manually. (We have tried to package it as a .whl file to add it to requirements.txt, unfortunately, the ZED SDK is not very friendly and doesn’t support direct installation.)