LQT with control primitives and DMP#

This example shows how to use the LQT controller with control primitives and DMP to track a trajectory.

plot example lqt cp dmp
[Rofunc:MODULE] Planning smooth trajectory via LQT (control primitive and DMP)

import numpy as np
import rofunc as rf
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

x = np.load('../data/LQT_LQR/S.npy')[0, :, :2].T

cfg = rf.config.utils.get_config('./planning', 'lqt_cp_dmp')

f_pos = interp1d(np.linspace(0, np.size(x, 1) - 1, np.size(x, 1), dtype=int), x, kind='cubic')
MuPos = f_pos(np.linspace(0, np.size(x, 1) - 1, cfg.nbData))  # Position
MuVel = np.gradient(MuPos)[1] / cfg.dt
MuAcc = np.gradient(MuVel)[1] / cfg.dt
# Position, velocity and acceleration profiles as references
via_points = np.vstack((MuPos, MuVel, MuAcc))
cfg.nbData = len(via_points[0])

state_noise = np.vstack((np.array([[3], [-0.5]]), np.zeros((cfg.nbVarX - cfg.nbVarU, 1))))

controller = rf.planning_control.lqt.lqt_cp_dmp.LQTCPDMP(via_points, cfg)
u_hat, x_hat = controller.solve(state_noise=state_noise)

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.650 seconds)

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